Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sleeping (FC)

    Sleeping is probably the thing that everyone is best at doing. While I’m sleeping I feel as if I’m floating in the air and think and do whatever I want. The best thing about sleeping is the dreams you have while you’re asleep. The worst part is waking up, I feel like I never want to leave my bed or continue my day. I learned that being well rested is important because it reflects on your behavior and knowledge of the day. Also, I've learned that too much sleep can increase a possibility of a disease. While researching, I read that both sleeping too much and sleeping too little are linked to elevated risks of chronic disease in middle-aged adults. This really surprised me because most of the time in the weekends, I tend to sleep a lot. Due to my lack of sleep during the weekdays up studying for an exam, or even doing homework. I believe being well rested relives stress towards anything. But the fact that sleeping too much can risk a disease disappointed me very much. In the weekdays, I try to take naps before starting my homework because I feel like for me to concentrate better and improve my brain needs to be well rested after eight hours of nonstop work in school. The only problem with this is, at night when I really need to go to sleep I can’t because of the naps I've been taking. Then my sleeping schedule will end up getting mixed up, and I will end up being exhausted in school not able to do anything. But so far, sleeping has helped me physically because I’m more active and on point with everything, especially when it comes to starting my homework. I really love sleeping and I feel like it has made my behavior better because I’m well rested and not always cranky.

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